This week’s blog assignment will focus on personal narratives distributed on the internet. In class, we read an excerpt of Riverbend’s blog Baghdad Burning. For this assignment, you will go to Riverbend’s complete blog at and choose one entry before 2006 to write on and fulfill the following requirements.
Using the notes provided in class and the readings on globalization and miltarization, write a 500-word response answering two of the below questions in a well developed thesis centered response. Remember that you are expected to conduct an analysis of the blog and not merely describe it. Use of the course texts to inform your analysis is required (minimum two cited sources from the readings).
Please reply to two classmates postings before
*** Make sure to review the notes provided in class.
1. What is the story that Riverbend gives us in contrast to the “myth” she describes of the Iraqi people? How does this tie into the purpose of the blog?
2. How would you characterize her blog? As personal, political, educational, etc? Why?
3. How does Riverbend explain religious fundamentalism in comparison to Islam?
4. What does the narrative tell us about Iraqi culture, food, and customs?
5. How does Riverbend establish women’s liberation on Iraqi terms?
6. How does Riverbend’s tie into feminist discussions of militarization and globalization?